TechMoat Consulting

Extreme Personalization and Customer Improvements

We help retailers, brands, technology and other companies grow faster and chart a winning strategy under digital change.

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TechMoat Consulting

We help retailers, brands, technology and other companies use digital tools to:

  • Personalization and supercharge your customer improvements
  • Grow digital revenue, engagement and user growth.
  • Crystallize your best digital strategy. Know exactly what winning looks like in 1-2 years.

There comes a time when a business facing significant digital change requires the help of a consulting firm.

To learn more about our approach, read our Extreme Personalization White Paper

Listen to Our Tech Strategy Podcast

Our Services


Our experienced team are recognized digital experts. We specialize in using digital change to accelerate growth, boost profits and negotiate technological disruption.


We offer insights and training programs that systematically move management teams towards digital mastery. These can be everything from half-day sessions to 1-2 year programs that are the equivalent of masters degree.


We offer week-long intensive trips to China / Asia. These one-of-a-kind trips combine advanced digital training from leading experts with visits to local tech companies with lots of fun.